Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sorry it has been so long!

I know it has been a very long time since I haven't written anything. Things have been a little crazy. I have not much writing, well hardly any in a very long time. I have just not been inspired. I have so many stories, and am stuck on them. I am unable to find words to say to keep the story going. I am hoping though to start back soon. I found some books on my self that I want to start reading that will help me write. One of my weak points in writing is my dialogue. I do not write that well. I want to get better. I am reading other books. I am trying to read authors that do this well and authors in the genre that I want to write. But hopefully I will be inspired and will be able to get back to my writing. I miss my writing. I still love writing and I love getting into my characters and becoming a different person and learning right along with them. Writing is fun but it is also an art and sometimes I wonder if I really have that art. I wished I had taken more writing classes than I did. But I am getting them. I know I just need to keep at it. I will get better the more I read and the more I write.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Yes it has been a while since I have posted anything. I started school recently so have not been on my blog to post anything. But before school started I did do some writing. I started working on my sequel to a story I wrote in highschool. I wrote a Zorro story in highschool and have always wanted to write to a sequel to it. So I started it. I am not sure where this story is going yet. It is still in the works. But I think it will be great. In the first story, Maria, who is Diego's daughter (also known as Zorro's daughter) studied fencning in Spain and eventually becomes Zorro unknown to the village (everyone thinks zorro is a man, so she never talks) that is all I will say. I do not want to give away the story. I will try to post some parts from the story at some point. But I am still writing. I have many stories I have written and am writing. I keep updating my stories. I have so many ideas in my head that I have to get them down and so therefore I have many stories that I am writing. I hope to one day get another published. I don't know if I will ever finish the sequel to Love Letters or not, but we will see.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I have been going back and reading a lot of my old stories, stories I have yet to finish. I have intentions of finishing them. Some of them make me cry and other times I wonder, wow when did I write this? Or what made me think of that? I have no memory of writing some of it, but it is fun to go back and read things I have written. I am still trying to write more. I know also the more I read the better I will get. I get that a lot. And I am trying to do that. I am trying to read a lot. But I want to try and write a little everyday. I am not doing that like I should I know. But I am doing my best when I get inspired and am in the mood to write.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Yes it has been a LONG time since I have posted anything, but things have been so busy and I have not really been in the mood for any writing. But I wrote a lot the other day. I was proud of myself. I even got a story finished that I have been working on for a long time! I am still working on my squel to Love Letters. I think it is really good. I have read over many times. I am still editing it so who knows when I will try and get it published. It will be a while probably. We shall see. But I am still working on other stories as well. There are several that I am working on. I am trying to write a little every day but that doesn't always happen. But I do my best when I get inspired.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I know it has been several months and I still have not made the video. I haven't forgotten, I have just been a little busy. School is keeping me busy. But I am still planning on making one at some point. I just have to figure out how to do it. I am waiting for my next book to be edited and hopefully I will have another book published soon. I am spending a lot of time knitting in my spare time other than planning one of my favorite games. Christmas is just around the corner and I have a lot of knitting to do. I also am doing a lot of homework. But hopefully I will do one soon and it will be posted. Keep checking back for an up date.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I have not had time or the patience to work on a video yet. I have thought about it. I do still plan on trying to make one, but who knows when it will be. It could be a while. But I think it is going to be hard for me to and once I start it, I know it will take me a good while before I am able to finish it. However I am still trying to work on my sequel to love letters. I will be starting school soon, so I don't know how much time I will have once I start but I am going to do best. I wanted to also say that I knit and I will be trying to sell a few things. I will put up some pics soon. So if you want something knitted, to keep you warm, or something useful (like a glasses case, or a coin purse, scarf, cell phone case etc) let me know and I can make you one. I also am available to babysit.I love kids and love being around them. I would love to help you out, but however I will say I do not have much experience with babies, I have not changed many dippers, but I am willing to learn, I do want kids of my own someday. So please let me know. I will be posting some pics soon, of examples of the things I can make with knitting. I will keep you updated on things.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I haven't had a chance to make a video yet of my story. But I still plan on it. I have been trying to think of what kind of video I want to make and how do it. I have written a sequel and I think I am almost done with editing it. I still have to prof it again and send it to a few people before I send it off. Hopefully sometime later this year or next year it will be done and I can try and get it published. The editing stage is such a hard stage and that is what I hate the most. Keep checking back for more details on the story progress and the video which hopefully be done later this month or in the next few months. If you have any advice for me please let me know. I need all the support and advice I can get.