Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Yes it has been a while since I have posted anything. I started school recently so have not been on my blog to post anything. But before school started I did do some writing. I started working on my sequel to a story I wrote in highschool. I wrote a Zorro story in highschool and have always wanted to write to a sequel to it. So I started it. I am not sure where this story is going yet. It is still in the works. But I think it will be great. In the first story, Maria, who is Diego's daughter (also known as Zorro's daughter) studied fencning in Spain and eventually becomes Zorro unknown to the village (everyone thinks zorro is a man, so she never talks) that is all I will say. I do not want to give away the story. I will try to post some parts from the story at some point. But I am still writing. I have many stories I have written and am writing. I keep updating my stories. I have so many ideas in my head that I have to get them down and so therefore I have many stories that I am writing. I hope to one day get another published. I don't know if I will ever finish the sequel to Love Letters or not, but we will see.