Saturday, April 24, 2010


I am thinking about trying to make a video to advertise for my story. I don't know how long it will take or if I will be able to accomplish it or not, but I am going to try. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this, I would greatly appreciate it. I am going to try and make the video using Sims. I think it would be easiest way, other wise I would have to go online and use pics and I don't want to steal others pics. I am going to use Sims I create myself! Let me know what you think. This will be for the Forbidden Love story. I will eventually make one for Love Letters as well.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I am working on a new story. It is really different than my last story. This story is a mystery and a love story. The last story was a little bit of a mystery too, but in a different way. Here is little sample from it.

I was falling in love with Zandery which I knew was a bad thing. I knew I had to tell her my secret, but I was afraid if I did it would turn her away from me. I didn't know how she felt about me. I only guessed she felt the same way. I had to find a way to tell her. She needed to know the truth about me. Zandery had to know what she was getting herself into if we stayed together. I knew if Tyler found out that I was in love with Zandery he would give me a hard time. He might even tell me I couldn't be in love her. That I needed to stay away from her, but I couldn't stay away from her.

That is only a part from it. I can't give you anymore, if I did I would give away the story. Those are Gray's thoughts, one of my main characters. Tyler is Gray's best friend. Post a comment and let me know what you think.

Friday, April 2, 2010

New story in the works

I am still editing Love Letters 2. It is hard work editing, that is always the process I hate. I am also still trying to figure out a title for the sequel. I cant think of a good title for it. Anyone have any ideas? When I am not working on the sequel I am working on a new story that is different from Letters. It is about a subject I have never written about before, well I have tried but didn't like it. This story will be more for teens. I won't give away any details yet but just know that is different and I think will be a great story when I am done with it. I hope it will a story that many teens will love to read just like Twilight is. I will give details soon of the subject and maybe post a few lines from it, but I won't reveal anything yet.